Wake Up!! Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Rev. Erik Swanson
December 1, 2024

Recently I was spending time outside relaxing and staring at a tree in our backyard but I wasn’t really seeing it.  When I stopped my racing thoughts a bit and really saw it, it was beautiful.  The yellows and reds of the leaves were stunning.  This reflection invites us into a deeper understanding of Advent as a season of spiritual awakening rather than mere preparation for a future event. It begins with an analogy: noticing a tree's beauty or truly listening to someone requires shifting from passive awareness to an active, deeper attentiveness. Similarly, prayer can feel empty until a shift within us reveals a presence, transforming the experience into something alive and meaningful. This awakening is the essence of Advent—a call to heightened awareness and inner transformation.

The Essence of Advent

Advent is not about waiting for a baby to be born; that event has already happened. Instead, it is about awakening to Emmanuel, "God with us," a present reality. Like in recovery or healing, transformation begins with awareness: recognizing wounds or separation from God, ourselves, or others. By naming these disconnections, we begin the journey toward wholeness. Advent becomes a time to face our separations, guided by the promise of the divine-human union revealed at Christmas.

“Woke” and True Spirituality

As I reflect on the term “woke,” I realize that it has, over time, been distorted. It originally signified awareness of social injustices. Awakening, whether social or spiritual, challenges us to confront uncomfortable truths and take action. True spirituality disrupts complacency, urging us to embody justice, compassion, and presence as Jesus taught. Recognizing God’s presence in each moment demands ongoing awakening—a stretching of perception to see through the eyes of the heart.

Hope and Collective Awakening

Awakening leads to hope, a key Advent theme. Hope arises when we discern a deeper reality beyond surface appearances or troubling news. Paradoxically, chaos and difficulty often spur awakening, shaking us out of routines or illusions to reveal privilege, systemic inequities, or new priorities. These moments, though uncomfortable, help broaden and deepen our understanding, compelling growth.

In this context, the election results and societal challenges are opportunities for collective awakening. They encourage us to engage with the concerns and experiences of others, fostering awareness and empathy. As we reflect, we might ask what new revelation God longs to birth within us this Advent season. The process requires patience, starting with listening, wondering, and doing internal work. Just as we prepare our homes to welcome guests, we must prepare our inner lives to receive divine wisdom and illumination.

Don’t Rush Through Advent

Advent is not a time to rush through on the way to Christmas. It is a season of sacred opportunity to quiet ourselves, embrace the darkness, and allow the Spirit to shape and inspire us. By leaning into the silence, we open ourselves to profound transformation, equipping us to receive and share the gifts of the season. This Advent, the invitation is clear: awaken, reflect, prepare, and be ready to receive the Spirit’s blessings.



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